^_^ GLEE ^_^
Glee means joy and pleasure according to my Webster's Student Dictionary & Thesaurus. ^_^

Everyone have their own perspective on what is 'happy' for them, when they feel at their most joyful time, and how they really feel when they are happy. Well, for me, these are simply on what was and would make me one of the HAPPIEST person in the world.
I feel so much happy when or if :-
I am daydreaming.
I am with my family.
I listen to my favorite music.
I cook for the one I love the most.
I am shopping with my best friend.
I laugh with my baby brother, Eddy.
I have a home cooked dinner made by Mama.
I am spending time chit chatting with my friends.
I get the chance to travel around the world with Eddy.
I can buy Eddy anything that he ever wanted for his birthday.
I have a library just like in the 'Beauty & The Beast' cartoon.
I see Mama & Papa smiled and says 'We're proud of you, dear'.
I am able to send Eddy to the most prestigious university in the future.
I have a sleepover with my girlfriends laughing all night until we sleep.
I lay down on the green grass watching the white fluffy clouds in the blue sky.
I get a hug from my friends and family as they said ' We will always be here for you'.
I finally afford to buy all the things in the world that my parents wanted. Anything.
I can pay for my parents to travel around the world celebrating their anniversary every year.
I can lay down on the thick white snow or to feel the snow falling down from the sky,
I can walk in the park along the trees with the autumn leaves falling down as the wind blew,
I lay down on my bed in the attic, counting the stars in the night sky through a clear wide glass made perfectly for me,
I can walk along the white sandy beach in a white dress, with bare feet watching the sunset towards the wooden bridge overlooking the wide endless view,
I can run freely down the hill full of colorful flowers in the spring with a soft breeze of the wind blowing as I closed my eyes with my arms wide open towards the cottage near a lake.
And last but not least, I will be very happy if:-
I am destined to marry a Filthy Rich, loving, funny, well-mannered Caucasian guy,
So that we can afford to take care of our eldest daughter, middle son, and youngest twins,
So that we can have a stable income to feed and send our children to good school,
So that we don't have to worry about our children's future college fees,
So that we can afford building our dream house, a home,
A big loving home enough to fit his and my family, OUR family,
So that we can donate our money and help to those in needs,
So that I finally fulfill what was once my long lost hopeless dream to open an animal shelter
for the poor stray cats and dogs,
They will finally have foods, home and most importantly their future loving family to adopt them.
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