The word "suicide". Have it ever crossed your mind? Like maybe once in your freaking perfect life? Not that my life is any perfect, just saying. When we talk about suicide, the first thing that comes to our mind is that "It is bad" "Negative", obviously right?
I don't have any experience of committing suicide BUT to be honest, I did think about it. Depression would be the main reason. I have this thoughts of doing it, attempting suicide? That's what they called it,isn't it? In my case, it's the unreal ones. Hmm,well, I never got caught because it only plays in my mind, not that I did tried anything. It's just part of my imagination,yes, very wild indeed.
I know it is a bad thing when it comes to even "think about it" but my life is complicated. Well, including everyone right? It's kinda hard not to have that kind of thought, you know. Once in a blue moon, it doesn't kill me because I know that I won't do it unless, well, unless I'm reallyreallyREALLY on the edge of nervous breakdown. I don't think I would do it anyway cause I'm too scared of dying.
1. Slit my wrist - Too bloody.
2. Take pills- I will choke. Too slow.
3. Jump off the building- Afraid of the heights.

4. Jump off the cliff- Still the same thing with the building.
5. Poison- Suffer the pain,oh hell no!
6. Hang myself- Never thought about it, again with the choking.

7. Stab myself- I might die seeing all the blood gushing out.
8. Shoot myself- Although this seems to be the fastest way but, I will looked horrible with a hole in my head.

9. Drown myself- I can swim, I'm sure as hell will change my mind and swim as fast as I could so that I won't drown.
10. Burn myself- Oh,god. I would definitely NOT going to do this. It's fucking crazy. Sure I'm going to hell because of the suicide and suffer before my last dying breath. OHH HELL NAWWW!
See what I mean?? I just needed someone to talk to, that's all. In order to get rid of this bad thoughts of mine, I just need one person to talk to. You should try and do the same as well. An experienced counsellor or therapist or psychiatrist, so I made my mind to go for the sessions. Problem solved! Well, at least that's what I hope for. ^_^
Anyhow, what I wanted to advice is that "Please don't ever attempt or even thought about suicide". Please, because you have so much more in life that you have to do, "Let God decides when you're going to die,how you're going to die or whatever! So don't give a shit about your death date/cause of death". For those of you who are not that faithful, well, "Just go with the flow, accept as life it is and you'll do your best to succeed or something". Depressed? There's the psychologist and medication for depression. Don't worry, if you think you're mentally-ill, there's dozens of mental hospitals/facilities for you to be admitted.
SUICIDE is not a way out! It doesn't solves anything, it'll only turned your life miserable. If you don't think about yourself, think about others. Others who cares for you, loves you, and wanted to see you happy, succeed in your life. Your mom, your dad, your brother, sister, friends, even your pets.

Before I end this post, I would like to share these AWESOME & FULL OF HOPES quotes I found on Google. =)
by WinTerMoon
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