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Friday, August 23, 2013

What's your sign?
I'm a Libran yo!! ;)

Whoever created this art is a genius! Cause it's so pretty *,*
Talking about Star Signs or Zodiac or whatever you're calling it; I find it very interesting to you know, read about this stuff. It's not like I am being very dependable or letting these things running my life, absolutely no. Like hell no but surprisingly when I read them, I found out that most of the things are true. One thing for sure y'all, if you're not the type of person who find this stuff interesting, at least try and read it just for fun. It doesn't hurt to read stuffs that describes yourself aite?

Like the first thing I read online in this one website;

Libra Loners

You can never go wrong with this quote. :)

"A weakness of the Libra is independence. Sounds like a strength, right? Well, Libras take it too far by preferring to be alone than wasting time or getting hurt. Work on taking those walls down and you'll find real happiness."


Ever feel lonely? I do, sometimes.

See what I mean? It is true about me, I must admit that I am an independent person. And I absolutely like to be left alone sometimes, I do like privacy and spend my time alone. I like the sense of quietness and being able to have my own space. Of course, it's also true when it stated there that it is some kind of a weakness cause you can't always be alone right?

The second thing;

#15 Gentle Nature

This is Kevin Richardson, the Lion Whisperer.

"Libras have a gentle nature, especially with animals, and they hate cruelty. They also make great gardeners because of their caring ways."
So, about this one, yes! I mean like I can give it a 150% correct about me. I really love animals, I especially hate those who abuse them. I am a trillion percent against animal abuse but..yeah there's a but. I can't totally change myself into a vegetarian cause I am also a food lover. I love to try new foods and stuff. (have nothing to do in this case about food;maybe i'm just hungry again) In the terms of being a great gardener, hmm, I must say I do enjoy gardening with my mom. My mama always asks me to join her gardening every time I went back to my hometown. So yeah, I do love planting and giving my love to 'em plants. 

  by WinTerMoon

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Remember the last time, like few months ago they had this voting thingy. Yeah, I went back to my hometown to "UNDI". Oh well, it went well, just a bit tiring because it's kinda warm that day, that's all. Ya know with the whole; standing in a long line and then wait for the things to settle and stuff but it was fine I guess. Nothin' much that I wanted to talk about the voting day, just that in my opinion, it is a good thing to vote and it's kinda a great way to use your rights as a citizen. 

Frankly, I am practically the last person on the face of the earth to be "all in for politics" or involve in politic discussions and stuff but still there's nothing wrong with using your rights to vote aite everybody? It doesn't mean if you don't like it or if you're the type of like "I am in the middle, not going for this side or the other one", it doesn't mean that you just ignore it and things like that ya know. 

So, what I wanted to say here is that, use your rights, people! It's okay if you don't want to get involve and stuff but just think of it this way; it's not like if you vote that day and you're like suddenly become fanatic and stuff. It's you, you know yourself, who you are and what you stands for. Don't be afraid or scare or lazy to spend a few of your time to go back to your hometown and vote. Trust me, it's not that hard. Just wait in line, bring your identification card and take the number and just wait in line again until it's your turn to take the paper and stuff, they have the simplest instruction on how to cross the paper and things like that. It was a good experience for me last time. So when you reached that age to vote, go and make yourself useful. If you're somebody's parents, encourage and let your child experience and learn how to vote. That's how my parents did to me, they gave me chances to experience things;new things even things that I don't like doing. At least it's a new thing fer ya aite? ^_^

The dark blue dye showed that I am one of the voters


   by WinTerMoon

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Little Hi,Little Low..Little Hey,Little Ho!!

I went for a jog today and as I went to the final round, BAMMM I fell.. Yeah, I fell on the grass near the track. Luckily I didn't hurt myself much, just had like little cuts on both of my hands. What a bad day but that's life. C'est la vie. So I just continued running after that without turning or looking at anyone. Honestly, I felt a bit embarrassed for being very clumsy and all but I never felt this good for a long time. I have and always been cautious of what I'm doing so that I won't get into trouble and all.

But it's was okay, people fell, it's normal. People sometimes have their bad day, and mine? Mine was today. The jog was pretty good actually, my shirt was soaked with sweats especially at the back lol. Since I started my internship, I only have like weekends to workout. Plus, Ramadham month is coming, I'm not sure if I can do a any workout during fasting though. But, maybe a light and simple workout perhaps? Well, we'll just see how it goes. I wanted to lose weight though for graduation later in November. Hopefully, I'll be able to achieve that 54kg by October. *Gooooooood luck to me* haha..

So, yeah, there's nothing much to say for today. It was a great Sunday. I woke up late, got my rest before starting the work again tomorrow. 

Have a great Monday every one!! Take care!


   by WinTerMoon 

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

When Life is Complicated,all you think is "S-------" X_X

The word "suicide". Have it ever crossed your mind? Like maybe once in your freaking perfect life? Not that my life is any perfect, just saying. When we talk about suicide, the first thing that comes to our mind is that "It is bad" "Negative", obviously right? 

I don't have any experience of committing suicide BUT to be honest, I did think about it. Depression would be the main reason. I have this thoughts of doing it, attempting suicide? That's what they called it,isn't it? In my case, it's the unreal ones. Hmm,well, I never got caught because it only plays in my mind, not that I did tried anything. It's just part of my imagination,yes, very wild indeed. 

I know it is a bad thing when it comes to even "think about it" but my life is complicated. Well, including everyone right? It's kinda hard not to have that kind of thought, you know. Once in a blue moon, it doesn't kill me because I know that I won't do it unless, well, unless I'm reallyreallyREALLY on the edge of nervous breakdown. I don't think I would do it anyway cause I'm too scared of dying. 

1. Slit my wrist - Too bloody.
2. Take pills- I will choke. Too slow. 
3. Jump off the building- Afraid of the heights.

4. Jump off the cliff- Still the same thing with the building.
5. Poison- Suffer the pain,oh hell no!
6. Hang myself- Never thought about it, again with the choking. 

7. Stab myself- I might die seeing all the blood gushing out. 
8. Shoot myself- Although this seems to be the fastest way but, I will looked horrible with a hole in my head. 

9. Drown myself- I can swim, I'm sure as hell will change my mind and swim as fast as I could so that I won't drown. 

10. Burn myself- Oh,god. I would definitely NOT going to do this. It's fucking crazy. Sure I'm going to hell because of the suicide and suffer before my last dying breath. OHH HELL NAWWW!

See what I mean?? I just needed someone to talk to, that's all. In order to get rid of this bad thoughts of mine, I just need one person to talk to. You should try and do the same as well. An experienced counsellor or therapist or psychiatrist, so I made my mind to go for the sessions. Problem solved! Well, at least that's what I hope for. ^_^ 

Anyhow, what I wanted to advice is that "Please don't ever attempt or even thought about suicide". Please, because you have so much more in life that you have to do, "Let God decides when you're going to die,how you're going to die or whatever! So don't give a shit about your death date/cause of death". For those of you who are not that faithful, well, "Just go with the flow, accept as life it is and you'll do your best to succeed or something". Depressed? There's the psychologist and medication for depression. Don't worry, if you think you're mentally-ill, there's dozens of mental hospitals/facilities for you to be admitted. 


SUICIDE is not a way out! It doesn't solves anything, it'll only turned your life miserable. If you don't think about yourself, think about others. Others who cares for you, loves you, and wanted to see you happy, succeed in your life. Your mom, your dad, your brother, sister, friends, even your pets. 

Before I end this post, I would like to share these AWESOME & FULL OF HOPES quotes I found on Google. =)


   by WinTerMoon 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Insomnia MUCH??

Start 2013 with INSOMNIA.. haha,yeahh.. yippie..hooray!!  I'm so really really REALLY happy.. 

Oh, well.. How long has it been since I stopped posting stuff in this blog? Well, now it's ABOUT damn time!! Hahaha.. Hello, to everyone again!! (If anybody's reading this) Anyway, I've been having like sleepless nights lately. Probably because of stress, that's what every one says. But the question is "What made me so stress that I can't fall asleep as easily as every one else is?" I see my roommate's been sleeping very well. Jeeez.. I've been like hell trying to sleep, rolling to the left, rolling to the right, and this reminds me of that song "Rollin" by hmm, what's that band called again?? Ohh,Yeahh!! LIMP BIZKIT..

BTW, You guys ROCK!! 
So, back on the sleepy thingy...One of my friend suggested that I should relax and take a deep breath. Let's say, I did that. I mean, I am trying to relax without thinking about anything BUT, the good and beautiful things. Like what? Like lying on the sandy-white beach? Bora-Bora Island, Tahiti perhaps? hahaha.. *facepalm* (Dream much,Lisa?? Get over it, that's a freakin' DAMN expensive kinda dream ) *Yeah, I'm kinda talking to myself,ain't I?* Oh, well, it happens sometimes.

 P/S: I AM definitely NOT cray cray aite??

So, the thing about those sleepless hours of mine, it doesn't end that much good, well, you know.. The eye bags,  the dark circles and sometimes pimples "saying Hello there, may I make a pit-stop here for a while" pfft.. *go away* I'm stressing myself out for not getting good sleep or is that what causes me having this problem in the first place? That doesn't make sense! Duhh, I can't be stressing myself out for not be able to sleep well for not sleeping well in the past weeks!! *FYI, I have no idea what I am talking about right now* WTFITS??

This problem of mine got me doing a little research of " How to.." And I found, "10 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep Without Pills"
Muahahahahaha, beat that ya old problem of not getting good sleep!!

This is the link of the thing that I found..

P/S: I do not own this link, I am simply posting this link (VERY helpful BTW  ^_^) on my blog so that people who suffered the same problem as mine can actually check it out and perhaps help them getting rid of that sleepless nights. Hoooolllaaaa!!

What it says in there are:-

1. Stick to a schedule - Unfortunately, I have a thing with a schedule, not a good thing. More like, we don't click or fall in love at first,second, third and apparently the rest of our life sight!

2. Sleep only at night - YES! I can do that!! *cough* I mean, I can restrain myself from that afternoon nap, sometimes you know, I just fell asleep. Can't help it when you're too tired, you know.

3. Exercise -  That's what I am trying to do.. Hehehe.. I did jog once in a while when I had time after coming back from the uni.

4.Taking a hot shower - No water heater!! Duhh.. I can't boil the water every fucking time just to take a hot shower. It takes me forever to wait.

5. Avoid eating before bed - Now this one, I can definitely achieve. Unless I came home late from the uni.

6. Avoid caffeine - Well, I don't drink coffee. Tea, yes! But still, I have to avoid drinking it because of this problem. *what-a-life*

7. Read a fiction book - I like reading on bed before bedtime but my roommate's sleeping so, I might need to buy myself a mini clipped-on book light. I saw one in the bookshop.. I am SOOO buying it!!

8. Have the room slightly cooler - It's MALAYSIA!! It's hot!! And of course, no air-con in my room!! erghh..

9. Sleep in silence - You don't say?? hahaha.. JK JK.. Well, I tried but it's work better for me if I listen to music. *Planning to buy an MP4 * $$$$$<-- Money Y U NO COME TO ME??*

10. Avoid alcohol before bedtime -  A-HA!! I don't drink so lucky me!

Anyway, for those who have hard time or difficulties sleeping, try to do one or all of the tips given!!

Good luck! Muahahahahaha*Very very evil-ish laugh*

I know, I don't like clowns either. They kinda creeps the hell outta me. 

Night night people, check under your bed before you go to sleep.. hihihihihi..  *Grin in a very evil way*


   by WinTerMoon 


That's right!! I AM BACK!! I am goin' to post as much as I can here from now on. Pinky promise.. Kidding!!  Fuck that y'all!! I will post but not that often just when I feel like it.. 

I've got lots of things to say but it's like already 1 am.. This girl needs her sleep.. 

To night with love <3 <3

~ ~Good night people!! Hugggsss..~ ~


   by WinTerMoon 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Idol

I have lots of idols in my life. The person who I look up to consist of someone who mostly inspires me to be someone better in life. The one who showed me that life is not meant to give up and back down. I admire people who view life as something that is not just for ourselves but also meant to help others. People like the late Princess Diana, Kyle Maynard (a champion wrestler who was born with a rare disorder called congenital amputation), 14th Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. These people contributes good deeds throughout their lives. They gave people the meaning of life, to appreciate every second of it and help others in need. They never gave up their good intention assisting others and try to spread the good things in life. They opened up my eyes, mind and heart to a whole new world. They pointed out that there are than enjoying your life, just for yourself. They brought me to think that life is also about helping others. They showed me to look at life in different point of view. Yes, they did all that. But, the one thing that they are not able to give me is the "love" and "care", they can only show the kindness that I have to project to others.

In this case, my idol are both my mother and father. No one beats the greatest love and care that they gave me. They did showed me the same way the idols viewed their lives but of course, with a little twist and zest in it. They did not only showed me but they provides me the life that I supposed to lead in the future. They gave me everything although we are not from a wealthy background, but the most important in life was always the time that they gave me. They spent their time knowing me more and try to understand me on what I wanted in life. They have always been fair to both me and my little brother, Eddy. That is something not every children gets from their parents. Understanding and time. They taught me to be open-minded in life, be kind towards others and be moderate in whatever we did or have to do in life. My father showed me to be grateful of what we have and my mother on the other hand, showed me to be strong in life, face the hardships and obstacles with full of patience. But most importantly, they told me whatever hard in life, remember that I will always have their back. They said that I will never be alone, they will be there for me, for us both. 

They are my idol. They will always be the first and foremost idol in my life. Things may change but I will never change my mind to make them as my idol. I know deep down in my heart that, one day when I am about to be a parent, I will make my parents as my guidance. The way they taught me about life is the most beautiful lesson I could ever have. That is the reason why I chose them as my idol. 

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


My mid semester break is not that exciting. It's more like a boring/sad/"nothing interesting at all" time for me. I can say it's kind of a bad week for me and to my family also. My grandfather passed away on the day that I'm supposed to go back to my hometown. My family came to pick me up as usual. They drove all the way from Gua Musang, Kelantan and spend a night in the hotel. The next morning, early morning, my dad's cousin called and told him that his dad had passed away. He immediately called me to pack up super fast so that we can go directly to Sungai Golok, Thailand to attend the funeral. 

Not that I swear to my dad like that. 

See, this is when things started to happen. First, my dad have to drive really fast in order for us to attend the funeral. From Kelana Jaya to Kelantan is a 5 hours journey. After the long journey, my mom suggest that we should switched car because it's too small. Plus, my elder brother tagged along to and then my younger brother, Eddy is going to come as well. So, we then went back to our home, packed some clothes and ready to go to pick up Eddy. He didn't come along to KJ to picked me up so my mom asked her friend to take care of him. So, next place was to my mom's friend's house, all the way in Bertam, also in Kelantan. Before we arrived to Bertam, our car broke down. Yes! The tyre burst. I ain't lying. Luckily, the car didn't lose control and end up in accident because my dad stopped aside of the road just in time. Plus, he said that he had a bad feeling about driving super fast with that car. What a luck,right? (Like the pictures below)

Yep. Similar to this tyre, the thing inside shown off like that.

Without the cracked bumper though.
So, we have to switched the car again. He drove back to our home, switched the car and again to Bertam. We kind of got lost in Bertam, it's a rural area and the road was in pretty bad condition. Holes there and everywhere you turned. So, one hour later, we finally arrived and picked up Eddy. Another 2 and half hour later, we arrived in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan then crossed the border to Sungai Golok, Thailand. Imagine that journey, our back, butt, everything ached. It was really tiring and guess what? We missed the funeral, the prayer and everything. 5 hours from Kelana Jaya to Gua Musang, then from there to Bertam and to Sungai Golok, Thailand. God!! It's no holiday for me. 

Yeap, really really tired!

To make matters worst, my mom also said Lola, our cat died. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. :( And it just a ONE WEEK BREAK!!! Where's the fun?? I didn't really get to do anything. Spending time with my family and cats and rabbits wasn't really enough.

Lola, may you rest in peace. You're in a good place now. Love you.
I tell you what, this mid-sem break sucks! For me of course. Hopefully the long semester break after final exam won't ever be like this. Like ever. Please let it be no more. I can't bear of losing anyone anymore.  

So, when anyone asked,

"So.... how's your break?" I'll be like...

"Did you enjoyed it?"

"Is it fun?"